Archive for June, 2022

Unit VII Final Project


Country Analysis: Presenting to Investors

Throughout this course, you were asked to select a business that is currently operating in the country within which you reside and to report on different aspects of the business as you consider international expansion. By now, you should have a good grasp on why this company should consider expansion.The company you researched is seeking funding from investors, and since you are now knowledgeable in this area, you have been asked to give a presentation on why funding should be provided for international expansion. Using the information you have learned in this course, prepare a PowerPoint presentation that will give investors an overview of this information. Your presentation must be at least eight slides in length, not counting the title and references slides. At minimum, your presentation must address the elements listed below.

  • Introduce the company, the country where you are recommending the company expand into, and any historical background (e.g., location, size, development, significant events) of that country pertinent to expansion.
  • Present the currency structure, including the size of the economy and investor base, in the country of expansion.
  • Describe the corporate tax system used in the country in which you are expanding. How is it different from the companys home country?
  • Explain how the management of the company might need to change if a decision is finalized to expand globally.
  • Discuss what political, economic, and legal risks the company might be taking when expanding globally. What strategies can be used to manage these risks?
  • Outline any other information you have learned that might help the investors understand global expansion.

For this assignment, you may use any of the resources used in previous assignments, but you must also use at least one new source from the CSU Online Library. You are encouraged to utilize the notes section of the slides to explain your points as necessary. Dont forget that your presentation should be professional, visually appealing, and easy to read. 

Unit VI Discussion

 You have just taken over as international finance director for a major corporation, and you have been instructed to only use one derivative to manage risk: a forward/future, an option, or a swap. What would be the derivative of your choice? Convince your superior why that one derivative is the best. 

Answer to Dileymi g2w4

 Functional Health Patterns and Potential Dysfunctional Behaviors
There are 11 categories of functional health patterns that are essential in diagnosing and identifying human responses to illness and risks of dysfunctional health. These functional health patterns are majorly influenced by a range of factors such as biological, spiritual, cultural, and developmental factors. And for individuals to have functional health patterns, they must practice healthy behaviors to avoid any potential health dysfunctions (Meleen, 2021). To start with, individuals and families need to have proper health perception and management patterns, and this enables people to understand their health status to effectively manage their health and well-being. At this point, individuals need to properly manage health risk factors and practice healthy living behaviors that adhere to their mental and physical health well-being. Also, the nutritional-metabolic pattern must be regulated effectively by consuming nutritious foods and drinks. Having a balanced diet at the right time will generally stabilize the health of people and their ability to fight diseases.
The activity and exercise pattern aims at what individuals do in their daily lives so that they dont overwork or avoid exercises that are crucial for normal body functioning. Families must emphasize activities that enhance the physical and mental well-being of their loved ones to ensure healthy living. Also, sleep and rest patterns must be taken care of to ensure that the body gets enough rest to relax the muscles and re-energize for the next day’s activities (Meleen, 2021). Additionally, the elimination pattern of the waste products from the body needs to be observed to avoid any discomfort and dysfunctions that are associated with too much holding of waste. Proper frequency of waste elimination will take control of the laxativeness of the digestive organs, thus preventing the body from constipation. Also, urine elimination frequency will help prevent kidney stones by getting rid of highly concentrated urine contents from the bladder.
There is a cognitive-perceptual pattern that majorly deals with the sensory organs. The cognitive perception is directly linked to all five body senses to adequately control the body’s functional abilities that affect the way we talk, handle different situations and make decisions. We also have the self-perception-self-concept pattern that helps determine individuals’ moods, attitudes, and self-identity (Gorden, 2020). This pattern enables people to derive their self-worth and general emotions that they show while faced with different scenarios. Also, the role-relationship pattern describes how people socially relate responsibly to each other. Additionally, we have the coping-stress-tolerance pattern that shows how effective individuals can handle and manage stressful situations in life. Another functional health pattern is the value-believe pattern that guides individuals on spiritual matters and how to meet their set objectives that determine their quality of life for healthy living.
Therefore, all these functional health patterns and behaviors are meant to manage any potential and actual dysfunctional categories of behaviors that are likely to affect the well-being of individuals and their families. Dysfunctional health patterns are behaviors that directly negatively affect our health. The dysfunctions can result from untreated mental illness, drug abuse, and toxic families (Pearbrill, 2021). For instance, if a child is raised in an environment where he is regularly abused physically or emotionally, the child is likely to have mental disorders and emotional challenges due to the trauma experienced. Also, unhealthy attachment patterns with more expectations and conditions for love lead to internal family struggles for acceptance. Additionally, financial constraints and excessive criticism lead to poor communication that breaks down trust and honesty with one another, affecting individuals’ general well-being. Therefore to eliminate health dysfunctions, individuals must understand the need for healthy living and embrace factors that enhance quality living.


Gorden. (2020). Functional Health Patterns – M. Gorden. Retrieved 31 May 2022, from
King. (2017). Defining the Traits of Dysfunctional Families | King University Online. King University Online. Retrieved 31 May 2022, from
Meleen. (2021). Retrieved 31 May 2022, from
Pearbrill. (2021). Discussion Question: How Functional Patterns help a Nurse Understand the Current and Past State of Health for a Patient | Pearlbrill. Retrieved 31 May 2022, from 

Deliverable 7 – Social Media Plan

 Assignment Content

  1. Competencies
    • Analyze the evolution of social media standards and practices and how it relates to the potential need for regulation of social media, along with ethical concerns.
    • Evaluate psychological theories and their insights into the widely varying opinions and attitudes that are expressed through social media.
    • Compare and contrast new social media marketing trends with more traditional forms of advertising.
    • Assess the development of societal standards in relation to social media and how this can alter social norms in everyday life.
    • Integrate the positive and negative effects of social media making global communication easily accessible.
    • Design a personal plan to use social media to benefit the student both personally and professionally as well as minimize online mistakes and their impact.
    • Student Success Criteria
      View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the This item is graded with a rubric link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

      *Format in APA and don’t forget to cite your sources.*
      Social media use is critical to a dynamic and competitive brand, whether that brand is something you sell, a group home, a non-profit organization, or your self-image. This project will get you thinking about effective ways to shape your social media tools to make the most of your brand, to keep consumers talking and thinking about your brand, and to get interaction from those you seek to sell to or to help. You will take a look at what you post to social media, possible responses or reactions you will receive, as well as use social media trends and society controls to keep your brand meeting your goals.

      Your final project should include a plan for the following: how you will utilize a minimum of four social media sites; what your target audience will be; your use of contacts, outreach, and advertising best practices; your posting do’s and don’ts; and explanations of your choices using the sources from the course and others you find.

      If you have a real business, brand, or site to work on, you can start by putting the site profiles into the four social media sites you have chosen (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Screenshots will work for these that you have really made. If you don’t really have a business or brand, you do not need to create faux profiles. However, you should write the information you would include in your profile for each one.

      In summary, your plan should contain:

    • An introduction to your brand or company
    • Your social media goals and general goals for the brand
    • An analysis of the market comparable similar businesses/nonprofits/brands, including what has been successful and what hasn’t worked for at least 3 good comparable brands
    • Discussion of societal norms for those comparable. What seem to be the “rules” they follow? Is there open or tacit regulation you’ve noticed? Include how you can expand your influence globally by overcoming potential language and culture barriers.
    • An analysis of advertising and its necessity along with the type of advertising you would do and why
    • An outline of the audience you intend to reach and how to reach them. Be sure to take into account the factors that are in play when attempting to reach an audience that includes a wide range of ages (consider generational differences)
    • A plan for how to use your contacts and add new ones when publicizing and staying connected
    • A plan for each of four social media sites, including profile information and posting ideas
    • Analysis of any of the theories you would use
    • A conclusion
    • Your project lengths will depend on how much depth you put into your analysis of each section, but to give you a general idea, several paragraphs for most of the bullet points is a good length, and should result in a total of around 10 pages. Be sure to use at least 2 credible sources. 

response to Mari hp4


In 2010, the Affordable Care Act, was signed into law by the then United States president Barack Obama, it focuses on the healthcare systems future by proposing healthcare policy changes. Some of the Acts aims were to expand insurance access, focus on preventive services, and curtail the rising healthcare costs. Specific sections and provisions in the Act outline the changes that must be observed to reach the intended goals in the countrys healthcare system. Some of the components of the Act will expand coverage, while others will lead to a reduction in healthcare costs and lead to improved health outcomes. Discussion in the post shall focus on the Acts clauses that will lead to the latter two effects.

The Act provided health insurance exchange markets and eradicated cost-sharing for routine preventive medical care (Marton, Ukert & Yelowitz, 2018). The two provisions of the Act will eventually decrease healthcare costs because patients will be relieved of the burdens of having to pay when they visit their providers for routine prevention services. The Act provides that Medicare shall fully cover the costs incurred (Campbell & Shore-Sheppard, 2020). On the other hand, health insurance exchange markets will also lead to decreased healthcare costs because they aim to provide medical covers at a subsidized cost. Cost subsidy will motivate patients to seek preventive and curative medical attention in higher numbers, leading to better health outcomes. Reduction of costs shall thus sequentially precede improved health outcomes.


Campbell, A. L., & Shore-Sheppard, L. (2020). The social, political, and economic effects of the affordable care act: Introduction to the issue. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences6(2), 1-40.

Marton, J., Ukert, B., & Yelowitz, A. (2018). Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Health Behaviors after Three Years.

Appeal letter

Galveston college appeal letter completion was at an 63 percent not to far from 75 , perviously I paid for class out of pocket but still didnt accumulate over all 75 percent I recently too those classes again with the help from financial aid and passed not that my grades are great Im have an letter accepted into the lvn program the reason to my non compliance was because I was facing hardship with a sick child diagnosed with with leukemia

Develop a Computer/Internet Security Policy

 You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization. Your job is to develop a computer and internet security policy for the organization that covers the following areas:

  • Computer and email acceptable use policy
  • Internet acceptable use policy
  • Password protection policy

Make sure you are sufficiently specific in addressing each area. There are plenty of security policy and guideline templates available online for you to use as a reference or for guidance. Your plan should reflect the business model and corporate culture of a specific organization that you select.  Include at least 3 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook.  The school Library is a good place to find these references. At least two of the references cited need to be peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the library. Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least three scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

week 4 chat


Discuss the controversial issues surrounding the protections of the Second Amendment. Do you believe Americans have the right to own weapons; if so, under what conditions? Please use real-life cases to support your stance.

Make sure you include citations and references. Make sure you cite your research in proper APA format.

week 4journal

All questions are worth 20 points:

  1. Discuss the legal philosopher H. L. A. Hart’s features of criminal punishments that are different from other sanctions.

2. Describe some significant victims’ rights legislation.

3. Discuss the different schools of thought regarding compensation.

4. Explain the difference between aggravating and mitigating factors.

5. What are the constitutional limitations that come into play regarding sentencing?

Help with summary


Think about the people close to you. Is one of them currently experiencing a major life challenge (e.g., new baby, loss of a loved one, loss of a job, mental illness, graduating from college, etc.)?

  1. Describe the challenge they are experiencing.
  2. Then write ~500 words, providing them with FIVE unique pieces of advice: After taking this course, what five pieces of advice would you give them? Each piece of advice must be related to a psychological concept you have learned about.  Make sure you clearly describe the concept. Why are these good pieces of advice for this person?
  3. concepts: emotion, self-perception,Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination
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