Archive for June 2nd, 2022

did McDonald healthy?

If and when (under what circumstances) do you think the spread of McDonald’s, Starbucks, and other global food chains is a threat to local cultures, diets, foodways, and health around the world? 

ansmer:  “write about mcdontlad hamburger are bad for our body, also many people start to love eating fast food rather than cook. no source no reference, must be using your own word, im not a good english speak, so please using the simple and easy english word.

emotions and health

There is a lot of research that has been done looking at the relationship between emotions and health and well-being.  Specific research has focused on the role emotions play in immune function, for example. There is also quite a bit of theorizing on how the nature of our relationships can impact overall well being. This may include areas you hadn’t considered before, but now you want to look at more closely in your own life. Or, it may be that you feel there are specific areas where the research data can be specifically and meaningfully applied to improve life experience.

answer: focus on student life, how to control the emotion when you face the challenge and bad thing.  much be using your own word no reference no source. and english word must be easy and simple. im not a good english speaker

Personal Narrative

Write an essay of 400-500 words that describe your diversity background. You may, if you wish, want to go into your familys background as well, but this is not required. Look analytically at experiences that have shaped how you relate to people from different circumstances than you. Are you afraid? Uncomfortable? Awkward? Condescending? Comfortable? Accommodating? How have others who are different reacted to you?

Personal Narrative

Write an essay of 400-500 words that describe your diversity background. You may, if you wish, want to go into your familys background as well, but this is not required. Look analytically at experiences that have shaped how you relate to people from different circumstances than you. Are you afraid? Uncomfortable? Awkward? Condescending? Comfortable? Accommodating? How have others who are different reacted to you?

Personal Narrative

Write an essay of 400-500 words that describe your diversity background. You may, if you wish, want to go into your familys background as well, but this is not required. Look analytically at experiences that have shaped how you relate to people from different circumstances than you. Are you afraid? Uncomfortable? Awkward? Condescending? Comfortable? Accommodating? How have others who are different reacted to you?

Personal Narrative

Write an essay of 400-500 words that describe your diversity background. You may, if you wish, want to go into your familys background as well, but this is not required. Look analytically at experiences that have shaped how you relate to people from different circumstances than you. Are you afraid? Uncomfortable? Awkward? Condescending? Comfortable? Accommodating? How have others who are different reacted to you?

Production Paper Assignment

Use the paper outline I provide for you in each Production Paper Assignment.
Papers must be 12 pt. Times, double spaced format.
Papers must be at least 2-3 pages long
The paper is a review/critique of a play you saw, so look at examples of reviews and critiques to use as a guideline.
Aspects of the performance you should be commenting on are the text, story, particular actor performances, costumes, lighting, set design, music…anything else you want.
Give your opinion, possibly what you would do different if you didn’t like it and whether or not you recommend this show for people to see.
Do not just write, “I liked it” or “The acting was good”.  Break it down…what was good about it?  Why did you like it?  Be specific and mention what the costumes looked like and why you think the designer made those choices and same thing with the other designers and their designs.
When writing about the actors, use their real names from the credits to talk about the choices they made in creating their characters.
Italicize the title of the play in your paper and make sure to mention what theatre produced this play or what company produced this particular production of it.
Paper Outline:                                                                                                                                 

I. Introduction

        -Includes opening paragraph introducing play and production you will be discussing.

        -Includes your point of view and opinion.

        -Brief synopsis of plot/story, like 2-3 sentences.

II. Supporting Paragraph #1 (Design Elements):

  Focus on 2 or 3 design elements, like costumes, props, sound, set, lights and how they support or dont support the play or the directors vision.  Describe the elements and discuss perhaps why they were the way they were and if it worked for you.  Elaborate on what you saw and analyze its effect on the show.

III. Supporting Paragraph #2 (Acting):

      Focus on 2 or 3 actors and discuss their performance.  Describe what worked or what didnt work for you and the choices these actors made in creating their characters. Use the actor’s names when discussing their performance because it is their acting choices you are critiquing, not the character’s.

IV. Supporting Paragraph #3 (Direction/ Playwriting):

      Focus on what you think the directors vision was and whether it works or not.  Or elements of the story/writing.  Lots of room here.

V.  Conclusion:

Wrap it up.

Production Paper Assignment

Use the paper outline I provide for you in each Production Paper Assignment.
Papers must be 12 pt. Times, double spaced format.
Papers must be at least 2-3 pages long
The paper is a review/critique of a play you saw, so look at examples of reviews and critiques to use as a guideline.
Aspects of the performance you should be commenting on are the text, story, particular actor performances, costumes, lighting, set design, music…anything else you want.
Give your opinion, possibly what you would do different if you didn’t like it and whether or not you recommend this show for people to see.
Do not just write, “I liked it” or “The acting was good”.  Break it down…what was good about it?  Why did you like it?  Be specific and mention what the costumes looked like and why you think the designer made those choices and same thing with the other designers and their designs.
When writing about the actors, use their real names from the credits to talk about the choices they made in creating their characters.
Italicize the title of the play in your paper and make sure to mention what theatre produced this play or what company produced this particular production of it.
Paper Outline:                                                                                                                                 

I. Introduction

        -Includes opening paragraph introducing play and production you will be discussing.

        -Includes your point of view and opinion.

        -Brief synopsis of plot/story, like 2-3 sentences.

II. Supporting Paragraph #1 (Design Elements):

  Focus on 2 or 3 design elements, like costumes, props, sound, set, lights and how they support or dont support the play or the directors vision.  Describe the elements and discuss perhaps why they were the way they were and if it worked for you.  Elaborate on what you saw and analyze its effect on the show.

III. Supporting Paragraph #2 (Acting):

      Focus on 2 or 3 actors and discuss their performance.  Describe what worked or what didnt work for you and the choices these actors made in creating their characters. Use the actor’s names when discussing their performance because it is their acting choices you are critiquing, not the character’s.

IV. Supporting Paragraph #3 (Direction/ Playwriting):

      Focus on what you think the directors vision was and whether it works or not.  Or elements of the story/writing.  Lots of room here.

V.  Conclusion:

Wrap it up.

2520 hum db1

  Of the many Greek insights — the freedom to represent more what the artist saw versus what they should see, religious statues decorated with gold and precious stones, the focus on the ideal body, or the distinction of classical orders in architecture, among others — what do you see as the most path-breaking and exciting? As we walk along and drive through our cities today, we are reminded of the Greek goals and works.  Why do you think the influence of Greek art persevered over time? 

2520 hum mod1



I think that art is the way people express their emotions in a picture and not with words, 

or just people who don’t know how to express their emotions with words. I think this because 

even if there isn’t one word in the picture, there is actually a million of words that the artist is 

trying to use. I feel that the purpose of art is to communicate to audiences that won’t listen to 

words but can visually see the picture and understand it better. Early forms of art can be seen as 

ways of communicating mythology and cultural traditions, and as our cultures grew art 

developed into new forms of communication. It can communicate what it feels like to be in a 

certain place, what an individual’s personality was like, and certain ideas that challenge what we 

think we know about the world.  It is unique and vital as it provides the spark for future ideas, 

meaningful expressions, and visual explorations. I think that art is the manifestation of the 

collective conscientiousness or what people felt at the time the artwork, song or other artistic 

medium was created. 

When it comes to art, I look for look for a composition that either reminds me of 

something or is similar to something I aspire. I try to look deep into the art piece and figure out 

what the message is the artist is sending. Personally something that sticks with me like an image 

or something or something that makes me think of something that I cannot seem to get out of my

mind is art. Art is a beautiful means of communication if no words can be developed

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