Archive for June 20th, 2022

Prepare a Ceremonial Speech



    Create a Special Occasion speech: you choice of occasion

  • Speech of Introduction
  • Speech of Presentation
  • Speech of Acceptance
  • Commemorative Speech     

Step 1 Plan your speech.Select an occasion or situation for your special occasion speech.Step 2 Review the information we have covered in the course about creating a specific purpose statement and thesis, deriving a question based on the thesis, and using the question to determine the main points to cover in the speech. 

Step 3 Submit an outline using the outline format below.


Choose a submission type

Assignment # 7 for Philosophy Course

Short-Answer Questions

1. (1 pt.) Explain in your own words why we need to refer to authorities to provide justifications for our beliefs. What are two problems that we may encounter when trying to justify our beliefs by referring to others. 

2. (2 pts.) The following argument, drawn from our textbook, is a type of ad hominem argument. Put it in a standard ad hominem argument form as illustrated on p. 132 (what’s the conclusion? What are the premises?). After you do this, use the critical questions listed at the top of p. 133 to analyze its quality. Is it poor or good? 

[NOTE: as you probably noticed, our textbook is written by a Brit. Fox hunting was restricted in 2005. The House of Commons is similar to the U.S. House of Representatives.]

“It puzzles me that [those who oppose fox-hunting] should have singled out an activity in which animals and humans, working in happy companionship, are fully and magnificently alive, and in which no suffering occurs that is not part of natures due. Do the protesters trouble themselves, I wonder, over the factory farms, where pigs and chickens are grown like vegetables for the sake of their meat? One glance into these fermenting seas of misery would cure people of the illusion that they live on morally respectable terms with the rest of nature. … Many who shout and scream at the hunt happily eat the tortured limbs of battery chickens. … [Factory farmed pigs] are served in the House of Commons. And not one of those members who parade their tender conscience over fox-hunting has protested over the crime.”

3. (1 pt.) Ask a question to your classmates about either A) the reading itself or B) how to apply the ideas from the reading to everyday life.

Long-Answer Prompt

4. (2 pts.) Give an example from your personal experience (maybe from your friends/family or from a news article you heard/read) of either A) an argument from expert authority OR B) an argument from a position to know. Put it in standard form (using one of the argument forms presented in Sections 5.1 or 5.2) and evaluate it using the corresponding critical questions. 

Explain how increasing costs to achieve growth works as a strategy to obtain capital for growth assignment help


All sourced information must be accompanied by at least 3-4 lines of student-written, original text, explaining each line of quoted content. Quoted, summarized, or paraphrased material, derived from a source must always be cited/referenced. Properly credit the author per APA 7 citation guidelines both in-text and as a reference at the end of the response. Cash Flow Processes 

Question 1 While keeping cash flow management in mind: identify five key processes that are considered the most significant financial issues that must be planned, controlled and managed for the successful completion of a job. Elaborate on how these processes will work together for this purpose (See 

Question 2 Explain how the cost-schedule integration method fails to identify cash disbursements from project expenses. 

Question 3 Describe how cash flows are different from revenues and expenses. 

Question 4 Explain how the cash flows of a simple trading business work when it is concentrating on the following three main things: cash, overheads, and inventory. 

Question 5 Why is cash flow considered predictable and manageable? 

Question 6 Explain the following statement: Cash flow is lowest when sales growth (in current dollars) is rapid. 

Question 7 Explain the following statement: The usual measures of cash flownet income plus depreciation (NIPD) or earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)give a realistic indication of a companys cash position only during a period of steady sales. 

Question 8 Explain the most important objective of the cash flow statement. 

Question 9 What is the most basic tool for assessing and modifying, and categorizing financial activities in a company? Provide an example. 

Question 10 Why is budget gaming and is it good or bad for budgeting? Defend your answer. 

Question 11 If a manager reports a positive difference between budgeted funding available and actual spending this will result in what? What does this mean for the company? 

Question 12 When a manager is analyzing the magnitude of the budget variances for cost centers relative to those of operating expenses, she is targeting what issue? 

Question 13 Explain how increasing costs to achieve growth works as a strategy to obtain capital for growth. Give an example. 

Question 14 Explain how customer churn is different than negative market growth. Provide an example. 

Question 15 What are two of the best practices that can significantly reduce the risk and exposure that comes from not having a methodology in place to alert accounts payable professionals to recovery available from duplicates, overpayments, and fraud?

Remember, that your should be in line with the format laid out in the syllabus (and shown in the example below). You should, in the very beginning, state a position and then (one by one) lay out your supporting premises. All of that needs to be done before you present the body of your work. In the work’s body your paragraphs should simply focus on the premises you lay in the beginning. Let me know if you have any questions. Issue: Whether scholastic athletes afforded ample time to rest and study based on scholarship expectations without using energy enhancing supplements? Position: Athletes do not have ample time to rest and study based on practice and scholastic expectations. Premise 1: Most athletes are required to practice twice daily for a minimum of 2 hours each practice, including weight training. Premise 2: Athletes must carry a full course load and successfully pass each course in order to qualify for scholarship funding. Premise 3: In order to maintain grad

Design a normalized order management database with the requirements provided in the MS Excel worksheet. Each record should have at least one primary key field specified. After identifying the records and their corresponding fields, draw an entity-relationship (ER) diagram using the MS Excel worksheet to illustrate the relationships between entities and attributes.

By the due date assigned, submit your responses to the discussion question given below. Submit your responses to this Discussion Area. Respond to the discussion question using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading. Support your answers with examples and research, and cite your research using the correct APA format. Justify your answers using examples and reasoning. Comment on the postings of at least two classmates with regard to whether you agree or disagree with their views. Tradeoffs involved in using Network Computers Over time, organizations have moved through different types of computers and networks. Each time a company changes, they do so because they believe they have the best system for their own needs. In today’s economy, this decision often comes down to using a networked computer or grid computing.

SWOT Analysis Audio Presentation = 30% of Final Grade It is important as a future business professional that you can conduct a SWOT Analysis of an organization. Your presentation should include 10-15 slides. Below is the information you will need to cover. For your presentation, you are required to do voiceover. (1) Introduction slide 3 (2) Description of the organization (including information on the CEO, mission statement, vision statement, etc.) (3) SWOT Analysis (4) Recommendations of what grand strategies the company should pursue. (5) What you have learned as a result of performing this project. (6) Conclusion (7) References

This Project Assignment picks up the discussion of truth in the Week 3 Discussion by asking you to compare and contrast the modern and postmodern approaches to truth and art. In a 3-4 page work, discuss the following: Explain the idea that art represents reality by discussing Plato and/or Aristotles view of art. Discuss a work of art that you think illustrates this idea. For example, you might discuss a character/narrator/subject in a work of art (novel, poem, film, graphic novel, short story, television show, song, painting, etc.) who you think captures the idea that we have an essential, shared human nature and that art reflects this reality for us. Explain the idea that art is truth by discussing Schelling, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and/or Heidegger. Discuss a work of art that you think illustrates this idea.For example, you might discuss a character/narrator/subject in a work of art (novel, poem, film, graphic novel, short story, television show, song, painting, etc.)who you

The purpose of this discussion assignment is to reflect upon your understanding of epistemology, i.e., the philosophical approach to knowledge and truth. In 1-2 pages, address the following: Identify a belief you think is true. Identify and explain a philosophical account of truth from the readings that might help support your belief. For example, say the belief is that you are awake right now. Is this something you would prove using empirical evidence? If so, discuss at least one version of empiricism and the correspondence theory of truth. If the belief is one that refers to a paradigm (math, for example), discuss Cartesian rationalism and the coherence theory of truth. If it is one that does not admit of empirical or logical warrantability, discuss Deconstruction and/or the Pragmatic and Ewe Creativity approaches to truth. Submission Detail Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and lectures in correct APA citation.

1. Suppose the market demand for a good is ???? = 120 0.5????. The monopolist (total) cost

function is ???? = 20????.

a. Find the single-price monopolists profit-maximizing output, price, and profit. (6


b. Suppose the monopolist identifies two groups of customers that make up its

demand. The first group, as a whole, has demand ????1 = 60 0.1????1. The second

group, as whole, has demand ????2 = 60 0.4????2. The monopolist is able to charge a

separate price to each group but the price of each unit for a group is the same for

every unit. (There is also no two-part pricing in this ). Find the price-discriminating

monopolists profit-maximizing outputs, prices, and total monopoly profit. (6 marks)

c. What rule does the monopolist use to decide which group pays the lower price for

the good? Show that this rule is satisfied here. (6 marks)

2. Suppose the Australian government imposes a limit on the quantity recall this is called a

quota of houses that can be produced that is less than the competitive market output.

Using a supply and demand diagram, do welfare analysis to show how much better off or

worse off Australian consumers, producers and Australia as whole are when the housing

quota is imposed as compared to the competitive equilibrium. (Assume no externalities).

You may find it helpful to assign letters (A, B, C, etc) to refer to areas on your diagram. (14


LO 1: Understand the planning, budgeting and forecasting concepts of finance management

A budget is a short-term plan of how an organization quantifies the operational activities required to achieve its long-term strategy.

It is a common mistake to assume that automation alone will bring necessary budget process improvements to an organization. Automating an inefficient or unintelligent bud-get process just makes the same process faster, not better.

The reality is traditional practices that govern budgeting, planning, forecasting, reporting and risk management are becoming obsolete in the context of a fast-paced digital marketplace and a volatile and uncertain global economy. Long established budget practices provide a false sense of security and fail to cope with the speed and volatility of todays markets.

Additionally, the traditional budgeting process is widely decried, both by FP&A personnelwho must reconcile the requests from business managers with the targets handed down from the C-suiteand the business line managers they supportwho view the budget process as a bureaucratic exercise, a distraction from their job, a drag on their time, and a purely finance-driven process.

As you consider a new budget system for your organization, remember this is the optimal time to evaluate the current strategies that can help your organization develop a more agile and intelligent budget and forecasting process, use this process as decision-making tool rather than a negotiation, and positively change your organizations perception on budgeting, planning and forecasting techniques.

Question 1: Concerning the above views on budget systems, explain relevant strategies and practices that you would consider for your chosen organization to improve its budgeting, planning and forecasting techniques. [15 marks]- Max 600 words

LO 2: Understand the control of performance management and internal control environment for risk control (20 marks)

In many smaller, unincorporated businesses such as sole traders and unlimited partnerships, the responsibility for internal controls often lies with the owners themselves. In most cases, the owners are fully engaged in the business itself, and if employees are engaged, it is usually within the capability of the owners to remain fully aware of transactions and the overall state of the business.

As organizations grow, the need for internal controls increases, as the degree of specialization increases and it becomes impossible to remain fully aware of what is going on in every part of the business.

In a limited company, the board of directors is responsible for ensuring that appropriate internal controls are in place. Their accountability is to the shareholders, as the directors act as their agents. In turn, the directors may consider it prudent to establish a dedicated internal control function. The point at which this decision is taken will depend on the extent to which the benefits of function will outweigh the costs.

The directors must pay due attention to the control environment. If internal controls are to be effective, it is necessary to create an appropriate culture and embed a commitment to robust controls throughout the organization.

Question 2: Answer the following questions.

a] About the above-given opinion, explain in your chosen organization, what are/could be the various factors that impact responsibility centres to bring out the type of responsibility each of these centres have. Also, analyze the performance measures established as controls that you believe would be appropriate to monitor and evaluate the performance of each of these responsibility centres. (8 Marks)- Max 400 words

b] Describe the business of your chosen organization. Briefly explain the various types of internal controls mechanism put in place to control the operational risks in your organization. (6 Marks)-Max 300 words

c] Explain the role and importance of Audits in your chosen organization. Also mention the different types of Audits that exist while describing the role of the Internal Audit department towards assessing the adequacy of accounting systems. (6 Marks)-Max 300 words

LO 3: Understand the financial statement and decision analysis, including risk management

Whats keeping UAE businesses awake at night?

The Middle East encompasses a broad range of economic, financial, political and social risks on a regional and country-specific basis. ICAEWs Economic Insight: Middle East is a quarterly economic forecast specifically for the finance profession, which has shared the following outlook as at Q4 2016:-

Risks to an already-weak oil price. Even in a more positive scenario, oil prices will not return close to the $100 per barrel (pb) averaged in 20102014. Our baseline forecast remains below $60pb until 2019.

Rising tax burden. Businesses are concerned about potential tax increases and spending cuts to shore up government finances. This could prompt lower demand, administrative burdens for businesses (a particular blow to small and medium-sized enterprises), or loss of retained earnings for future investment. Moves to boost employment of national born workers could also place a strain on business.

Exchange rate risk. . While pressure on exchange rate pegs has eased, businesses remain worried about the potential impact on costs if a move to more flexible exchange rates seems likely.

These worries are keenest where set government budgets mean large deficits. Oman, Bahrain and Saudi are most exposed with fiscal breakeven oil prices $30$50pb above current levels.

A full implementation of President-elect Trumps policy proposals would lower oil prices by $10pb by 2020.

Question 3:

Evaluate the above given information in terms of impact underpinning organizations in UAE requiring to embrace for a long term effort by the government to close fiscal deficits and raise increased revenues from the non-oil economy. This could also place many pressures on businesses, particularly w.r.t higher labour costs, weaker consumer demand, and the loss of retained earnings for future investment strategies & better liquidity practices. [15 marks]-Max 600 words

LO 4: Know the shareholder/ corporate value creation, including M&As and disposals (20 marks)


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) executed in UAE markets in 2016 highlight companies well-implemented wealth management that contributes to the general economy and the private sector, analysts told Mubasher.

Statistics by Mubasher show that the top M&A deals carried out in the UAE totaled AED 657 billion ($178.99 billion) in 2016 and involved 13 companies.

First Gulf Banks (FGB) merger with the National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) led M&A deals in the Gulf country. The merger deal will result in creating the UAEs largest financial institution with total assets worth nearly AED 655 billion ($178 billion).

Coming in second place on the list is AlSafwa Islamic Financial Services merger with Mubasher Financial Services (MFS), which brought about Al Safwa Mubasher Financial Services as of 16 November 2016, with a capital of AED 563.88 million.

M&A deals carried out under the current difficult economic circumstances help companies boost their financial positions and their competitive edge as well as help reduce costs and operating risks, commented market analyst Mohamed Al-Azmy. 

Market analyst Nawwaf El-Tayea noted that one of the main benefits of M&A deals is that they reduce the time needed to create a new company. He added that these deals often result in quick revenues for the companies.

Question 4: Answer the following questions.

a] Define the factors that will drive shareholder value in your organisation. Also describe, giving reasons, if or if not a focus on shareholder value creation will lead to better decision making in your organisation? (4 marks)-Max 200 words

b] What is the meaning of Value-Based Management and evaluate the methods to measure achievements in an organization. Describe the key factors that drive corporates to undertake to restructure such as M&A etc.? (4 marks)-Max 200 words

c] Explain the steps involved and describe the key steps followed in an M&A and divestment transaction. (6 marks)-Max 300 words

Analyze the following situation and provide your opinion. 

Acme Engineering is evaluating options for its steel fabricating division. In 2013, the division has sales of $ 400 million but reported an operating loss of $ 35 million. The company believes that the division has the potential to turn around but ACMEs senior management has not been able to focus their attention on this division as it constitutes only 25% of its total sales with the balance coming from its heavy machinery division which had sales of $ 1,200 million and an operating profit of $ 150 million.

Describe, giving reasons, what should, in your view, be a possible restructuring option that the company could consider for its steel fabricating division assuming that division has a value of $ 80 million. Also briefly outline the process that the company should follow to implement your suggested option. (6 marks)-Max 300 words

Question 5: Answer the following questions.

a] In your chosen organization, explain what are the different types of businesses and financial risks faced by it in the conduct of normal business operations and the decisions involved in it? (7 marks)-Max 300 words

b] What is meant by internal risk environment in an organization? Analyze the given situation below and provide your opinion as to what led to the failure of the said institution. (15 marks)- Max 600 words

Case Study 1: Washington Mutual 

2004 : Embarked upon a lending strategy to pursue higher profits by emphasizing high-risk loans 

2006 : High-risk loans began incurring high rates of delinquency and default, 

2007 : Mortgage-backed securities began incurring rating downgrades and began incurring losses due to a portfolio that contained poor quality and questionable customers. (Source: Wall Street and the Financial Crisis: Anatomy of a financial collapse began incurring losses due to a portfolio that contained poor quality and fraudulent loans and securities. Its stock price dropped as shareholders lost confidence and depositors began withdrawing funds, eventually causing a liquidity crisis at the bank)

2008: Seized by its regulator, the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) Placed in receivership with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Sold to JPMorgan Chase for $1.9 billion.

Case Study 2 Barings Bank

On February 26, 1995, Barings Bank (Barings) – the United Kingdom’s (UK) oldest and one of its most reputed banks – declared it was bankrupt. The bank with a total net worth of $900 mn had suffered losses in excess of $1 bn. 

These losses were the result of the gross mismanagement of the bank’s derivatives trading operations by Nicholas William Leeson (Leeson), the General Manager of Barings Future in Singapore (BFS). 


BFS had been established to look after the bank’s Singapore International Monetary Exchange (SIMEX) trading operations. Leeson’s job was to make arbitrage profits by taking the advantage of price differences of similar contracts on the SIMEX (Singapore) and Osaka stock exchanges. Despite not having the authority, he traded in options and maintained an un-hedged position. He acted beyond the scope of his job and was able to conceal his unauthorized derivatives trading activities.

Due to the senior management’s carelessness and lack of knowledge of derivatives trading, the bank landed up in a major financial mess. 

When Barings finally went into receivership on February 27, 1995, it had an outstanding notional futures position on Japanese equities and bonds of US$ 27 bn (US$ 7 bn on Nikkei 225 equity contracts and US$ 20 bn on Japanese government bond (JGB) and Euro yen contracts). 

Analysts said that the situation demanded that banks the world over must tighten their internal control procedures.

c] Based on the above case study explain in your opinion the risk management instruments that could have been applied for avoiding a financial risk situation. (8 marks)- Max 400 words


Use R/Rstudio to solve questions and perform analytics.

Any submission after deadline will not be considered and scored. 


Consider a relational dataset and specify your input and output variables, then:

Q1 Split the dataset into two subsets, consider the first subset as a trainset with 80% of the original data, and the second subset as a testset with 20% of the original data.    (10 Marks)

Q2 Model the output variable using an appropriate distribution using trainset, estimate the parameters of the model and predict the output in the testset. 

(20 Marks)

Q3 Apply either Linear or logistic regression to model the output variable on the input variables. Mention which task of the predictive analytics is going to be solved.  

 (20 Marks)

Q4 Specify the significant input variables on the output variable at the level of ????=0.05. Estimate the parameters of your model. Predict the output of the test dataset using the trained model. Provide the functional form of the optimal predictive model. 

(30 Marks)

Q5 Propose an appropriate measure to evaluate the performance of your model. Compute this measure for your fitted model. 

  (20 Marks)


In this assignment, you will explore the historical foundation and basic concepts and tools of psychological testing and assessment. You will write a 4 – 6 page work about psychological testing and assessment. You will explore the history of psychological testing and assessment, distinguish between psychological testing and assessment, discuss various psychological assessment tools, and describe the parties involved in psychological testing and assessment.

Be sure to address the following in your work:

Summarize the history of psychological testing and assessment, including at least five key turning points or events (e.g., when and where did psychological testing begin?).

Define and distinguish between psychological testing and assessment.

Discuss seven psychological assessment tools: tests, interviews, portfolios, case history data, behavioral observations, role-play tests, and computers.

Describe the parties involved in psychological testing and assessment, including test takers, test developers, test users, and society at large.

Cite three or more scholarly sources.

Your assignment should be a 46-page expository writing, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:

Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.

Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.

o Your responses should reflect professional writing standards using proper tone and language and be free of spelling and grammatical errors. The writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful, and should reflect knowledge of child and adolescent psychology theories and practices. Your viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.

Reference page: Sources listed in current APA format.

o Include a minimum of three scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions.

Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.

Use standard 1″ margins on all sides.

Use APA formatting and citation style.


The Christian Bible


  1. Alister McGrath’s “The Christian Bible” – 4 pages (double spaced, Times New Roman 12 font); no need for a title page. Just list the author and the title of the article and then your summary. This article should be 90% summary, 10% your response to the article, e.g., is there anything that you agree/disagree; what do you like about the what the author said, etc.1. 1
  2. Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible (chs. 1-2) 2 pages. Once again 90% summary, 10% review.
  3. Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible (ch. 3), 1 page. 90% summary, 10% review.
  4. Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible (c. 4), 1 page. 90% summary, 10% review.

API for App

Hello, I would like to know if you can help to indicate the requests (methods, url and description) necessary for the following application.

If you can develop documentation in Postman

The app is for organizations that help the elderly. Features include GPS tracking and task reminder

6051 W4 Assgn2

The election of the first Black president in 2008 and the first Black and South Asian vice president in 2020 may have appeared to some that the United States was a nation beyond race. But these events sit alongside many others that paint an entirely different picture: the killings of unarmed Black men; waves of hate crimes against the Asian-American, Arab-American, and Sikh-American communities; continued maltreatment of Indigenous peoples; and poor health outcomes for people of color.

As a social worker, it is important for you to stay abreast of current events to understand how they may impact the clients, families, and communities with whom you work. You must also consider how you interact with the world on subjects related to race and ethnicity. How do these circumstances shape you and your anti-racist practice?

For this Discussion, you select and analyze a current event connected to race and ethnicity and how you might support the affected population in your practice.

To Prepare

  • Identify a current issue or event (within the past year) that speaks to race and ethnicity. It could be local to your community, or it could be national.
  • Consider how you would provide culturally competent social work practice to the affected population.

By Day 4

Post a description of a current issue or event that speaks to race and ethnicity. Then explain the following:

  • How the event connects to race or ethnicity, and to your current understanding of power, privilege, and oppression
  • How you, as a social worker, would approach the population affected. How would you provide culturally competent practice?
  • How your approach aligns with and illuminates your personal statement on anti-racist social work practice

6051 WK4 Assgn1

People conceptualize their racial/ethnic identities and respond to inequalities in a variety of ways. Social workers must never make assumptions about a client based on experiences with other clients of the same group. Each has their own storytheir own thoughts, reactions, and coping mechanisms. So how do you access that story? How do you gather details about a clients racial and ethnic identity, in a culturally humble manner, to inform your assessments?

In this Discussion, you practice assessing one such client who is a member of a marginalized ethnic group. As part of your assessment, you analyze the clients interactions with systems and the dominant ethnic group.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources on cultural formulation and cultural competence. 
  • Access the Social Work Case Studies media in the Learning Resources and explore the case of Aaron.
  • Consider the skills you would employ while assessing Aaron and how you might view his experience in the context of ethnicity.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of the skills and considerations needed to conduct an initial assessment with Aaron. Specifically:

  • What does Aaron need, and why?
  • What questions would you, as the social worker, ask to provide him with support and better understand his story?

Then, analyze Aarons experience as a marginalized ethnic group in the United States.

  • What systems does Aaron interact with?
  • In what ways might the dominant ethnic group be impacting Aarons experience?

Planning a Computer Purchase

Planning a Computer Purchase

For this assignment, you will research your computer needs and components for a computer system that meets those needs and complete a template to summarize your research. 

Perform a web search for articles that will help you choose the right computer based on how you plan to use the device. Review at least three different articles of your choice and identify the computer specifications. (You will list references for all three articles within your template using APA citations.)

Perform a web search for companies that offer customizable computer builds. Be sure to use keywords for your computer preference to help narrow down the search. For example, you may search for “build a custom laptop.” 

Choose a company to start your custom computer build.

Using the customizable option, play with the different options available per hardware piece and select the item that best suits your personal needs. Identify the price of the different hardware parts that are needed for your device. 

Hint: Consider how you plan to use the computer as you select the necessary options. If you are a gamer, what do you need to play your favorite game? If you create videos, what do you need to process high-quality videos? What speed is required to efficiently complete common tasks? Think about what you really need from your system.

Complete the table in the template, adding the choices you made, why you chose the items, and how much each item costs.

Be sure to cite each source you used in your research with a reference in APA format.



Using the persuasive full-speech outline created for the Unit 6 discussion, review the instructor and/or peer feedback to finalize the persuasive speech outline for submission. Consider this feedback to address your challenges and revise. Revisions are a key step in the speech writing process. Be sure to take this step.

The outline should be written in the full-speech outline method using one of the persuasive organizational patterns (Problem-Solution, Cause-Effect, or Monroes Motivated Sequence). The outline should have enough content to deliver an 8-10 minute persuasive speech, which you will complete in Unit 7. (Please view the sample outline for more guidance on building this assignment.).

Step 1:  Finalize the Persuasive Full-Speech Outline

The outline should include the following:

  • Specific Purpose
  • Central Idea (aka: Thesis Statement or Preview Statement)
  • Introduction capture attention, establish YOUR speaker credibility, preview the speech
  • Body key points (minimum of 3), transitions between main points, supporting materials from at least 3 sources including in-text references to the sources.
  • Conclusion  signal the end, summarize main points
  • Researched supporting material references (minimum 3) include works cited at the end of your outline, use APA format.
  • Identification of a presentation aid(visual)
  • Use persuasive techniques and language

Step 2:  Complete the Reflection Questions

Answer the following reflection questions, in addition to the finalized persuasive speech outline. You can include the answers at the end of your works cited:

  1. What types of persuasion did you choose to include? Why? How would they best persuade your target audience?
  2. What challenges did you have crafting our outline? How did you overcome them?
  3. What do you think is the strength of this outline? Why?


200 words


  1. What is the difference between a closed and an open group and what are some advantages and disadvantages for each?
  2. What are a few methods you might use in recruiting members?
  3. What issue would you want to explore during a pre-group interview?
  4. You have a candidate that is insisting on becoming a member and wont take no for an answer. How would you handle telling them that they are not a good fit for your group?
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